Your Attitude Determines Your Altitude!


Attitude is defined as a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in a person’s behavior. It can certainly color how your day looks – sunny or bleak! When you wake up in the morning you have a choice to say, “It’s going to be a great day!” or “Oh no, not another day!” Are you a glass half-full or half-empty person?  Do you always see the negative or the positive side of life?

Zig Ziglar, motivational speaker and writer coined the phrase, “It is your attitude more than your aptitude that will determine your altitude.”  What does that mean? It means that attitude is a big factor in your success or failure.

Your attitude certainly affects your students. They can pick up on the vibe you are expressing. So how do you keep a good attitude when facing each day, especially as a teacher?  Here are some suggestions that work for me.

  1. Look in the mirror and smile. If it doesn’t come naturally, practice. A smile makes you feel better whether you really do feel well or not. A smile usually gets a smile in return. I have heard many teachers say that you shouldn’t smile at your students until after the first nine weeks of school, but I don’t agree. A quote by Dennis Waitley says “A smile is the light in your window that tells others there is a caring, sharing person inside.” Your students need to see a smile, not a frown!
  2. Be passionate and enthusiastic about what you are teaching. I feel very blessed to teach and inspire students to love and appreciate music in all forms – singing, playing instruments, dancing, listening, and more.  My students can tell that I love music and most respond. It’s great when the room gets totally still because I’m excited about what I’m teaching.  I know I’m getting through when that happens. It’s also a joy to hear my students play, sing and make music. The light in their eyes and the expression on their faces tells me that the seeds of music I’m trying to plant are growing!
  3. Show your students that you want them to succeed! You as the teacher should be your student’s biggest fan. Encourage your students to keep trying – persevere – even when they don’t feel like it. Learning to play an instrument, dance or sing well isn’t easy. I tell my students that their favorite musician had to start at the beginning just like them. What they see on TV, videos, hear on the radio or YouTube is the result of years of practice. Those performers chose to have a great attitude about learning to get better and it paid off!
  4. Model politeness and a positive attitude to your students. Help your students to discover that being polite along with a positive attitude reaps positive results. Our school motto is, “Today I will do my personal best to rock on. I will treat people right and do the right thing, even if I don’t feel like it! Rock on!” What a powerful message to instill in our students minds! In this media-filled world with 24/7 information flowing, it’s easy to get caught up in the negative words and criticism that is heard via social media, TV, and radio on a daily basis. Being polite is never out of style. That politeness is colored by a positive attitude. Show politeness to your students on a daily basis and help them discover that life goes much better when they are polite and positive.

So, you attitude really does affect your altitude! Life never be perfect or without problems, but a positive attitude will help you soar above your problems and have a brighter outlook on life despite the obstacles!


“People may hear your words, but they feel your attitude.”

-John C. Maxwell

“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.”

-Winston Churchill

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