Mrs. Muncy’s Musical Menagerie 2020

Wow – we have entered into a new year and a new decade – 2020!  A new year always brings a clean slate and a chance to try new things!

This year I am launching a children’s television show on our local Bedford, IN cable station – The Star Station.  The show is called Mrs. Muncy’s Musical Menagerie. Each month a character skill will be the theme of the show. I am very excited to take decades of songs and lessons that I have written and share them with our audience. The songs and lessons are ones that I currently use in my elementary school music classes.

The first Mrs. Muncy Show is about Friendship. Here is a link to the show.   Friendship  


Twenty plus years ago, I wrote a song called Friendship. My students learn this song every year.  While singing the song, we make the ASL sign for friend. I tell my students that when we make the sign for friend, it’s like two friends hugging! You can hear this song on the Mrs. Muncy show as well as purchase the Friendship song at this website’s store.


To have a friend, you’ve got to be a friend,

Who is kind and loving everyday,

To have friend, you’ve got to be a friend,

Who can be trusted in every way!

By Becky Muncy

Each day at school, I see children longing to have friends. Friends shape us and we shape our friends. Friendships can have a positive or negative effect on both us and the world around us. Friends are one of the most important choices we make in our lives. I tell my students to choose wisely when choosing close friends. Is your friend someone you can trust and count on in all situations? Does your friend build you up or tear you down?

Fred Rogers had a wonderful, positive impact on children’s music, and television. His music and television show gave generations of children good advice through his puppet shows and music. The movie, “A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood”, with actor Tom Hanks portraying Mr. Rogers reintroduced this wonderful man to our current generation. Mr. Roger reminds us that we are all neighbors and need to be kind to each other.

“Mutual caring relationships require kindness and patience, tolerance, optimism, joy in the other’s achievements, confidence in oneself, and the ability to give without undue thought of gain.”

-Fred Rogers

Mr. Rogers words are timeless and the foundation of what needs to be the basis for all of our friendships and relationships. This isn’t easy, but it’s worth it.

Cherish your friends. Teach your children and students how to cultivate good friendships.


“Good friends are special, they really care. In good and bad times, friends are always there!”

Becky Muncy









Photos by Haley Sinn/Sonder Photography

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