Sending a Virtual Hug!

Things can certainly change quickly in life! This is one of those moments in history where the change affects our whole world! Who would have guessed that we all would be facing a pandemic just a few weeks ago? Did we even fathom what a pandemic really is?

One of the hardest things about this moment in time is that we can’t be with our students and people in general. That means there is the lack of physical contact – especially hugs. No matter how dreary my day seemed at school, one of my K-2 students could come up to me and say “Mrs. Muncy, you are the best music teacher!”, and then proceed to give me a big hug with a huge smile on their face. Whatever dark mood I was in completely vanished and my day was brightened! I can’t help but tear up just having that mental picture right now.

So how do we, as teachers, continue to teach and show our students that we care about them? How do we express that we still want to help them in spite of school closing? Especially in the face of such a dangerous time in history.

My personal answer is to write songs that I can share with my students that expresses my feelings for them and about the situation we are all facing! In my classroom, I start class with a life skill song that  helps address a life situation such as common sense or organization.

Last week while working with colleagues on virtual music lessons, I came up with the idea of writing a song about sending a virtual hug to my students. I would like to share this song with you!

A Virtual Hug

by Becky Muncy

How are you handling this change? Share your creative solutions here or on my Facebook page so we can help each other get through this time of uncertainty.

We’re all in this together,

So I’m sending you this virtual

Cyber-spacey little wave,

I’m sending you a virtual hug.

Becky Muncy

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