Archive | October, 2016


An Interview With Mrs. Muncy

Our fourth graders at Lincoln Elementary decided to write a newsletter for their class.  While they were brainstorming what to write about, they came up with the idea of interviewing teachers to find out some of their background and interests. Seems like we have some budding journalists in our midst! Imagine my surprise when they picked me as […]


And The Beat Goes On!

In the spring of this year, 2016, I received a call from Bill and Reba Butler, friends from our church, Sherwood Oaks Christian Church. They informed me that a dear lady named Phyllis Combs, a former music teacher in Bedford had passed away in March. She was a member of their Sunday School class and […]


Jubilant Journey to Japan

About fifteen years ago I heard about a wonderful opportunity called the Teacher Creativity Fellowship Program through Lilly Endowment Inc. for a grant. To give you an idea of what this company does, “Lilly Endowment Inc. is an Indianapolis-based private foundation that supports the causes of community development, education and religion. In keeping with the founders’ wishes, the […]