When Life Gets Out of Tune


There’s nothing better than playing a piano that has just been tuned! My wonderful husband bought me a Yamaha grand piano this past Christmas. I enjoy playing favorite songs and practicing for upcoming concerts or programs.  On this fabulous instrument, I love hearing the booming bass and tinkling sounds of the upper range while playing the ebony and ivory keys!

However, over time, any piano or instrument goes out of tune. Changes in temperature, humidity and seasons affect instruments and cause problems. After those changes occur, keys stick, strings stretch and the piano is no longer in tune. It’s time to call the piano tuner. The piano doesn’t sound or play right.

Life is like a piano. At times, everything is in tune, and life goes smoothly. At other times, problems or detours in life come along, and life gets out of tune. Suddenly, things change and you get knocked off your feet!

This past year, I have felt out of tune.  My wonderful mother-in-law, Ellie passed away within the first week of the school year.  My husband had many health problems this year with multiple trips to Mayo Clinic. To top it off, I had gall bladder surgery! What a bumpy year!

I found that my creativity flow hit an all time low, and I wasn’t inspired to write or perform. Perhaps a bit of depression or melancholy crept into my life, which can take over at low times in our lives.

So how do we get ourselves back in tune after a difficult or low time in life?

T  – Time – Take time to rest. Plan a earlier bedtime. Allow yourself the margins of time to step back from too hectic of a pace. Set aside a quiet time. For me, this is first thing in the morning to read, think and pray. It’s only about 30 minutes of time, and

U – Utilize – Utilize the help of others. Don’t try to do everything yourself. You will find that there are friends, co-workers, parents of students, family members, etc. that are willing to help out with a myriad of tasks whether at school or home. If you don’t ask, no one knows you need help!

N  No – “No” should be a regularly used word in your vocabulary. You do not have to be a part of everything that comes along. Pick and choose wisely what you take part in.

E  Enjoy – Enjoy and appreciate the people and things that surround you on a daily basis. Look for the positive things that are in your life and be thankful! Be a glass half full person, not half empty!

Rest when you’re weary. Refresh and renew yourself, your body, your mind, your spirit. Then get back to work.

-Ralph Marston

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