Bloom Where You Are Planted!

“Bloom where you’re planted” is an expression that means take advantage of the opportunities that come your way, where you live, every day. It’s easy to find yourself unhappy with life’s circumstances and compare yourself to others around you.The grass is truly not greener on the other side! You are blessed! Just look around, take inventory and you’ll find that all things are not bad in your world!

As a teacher, it’s easy to look at other schools and think I could be more successful as a teacher if I had those students, those facilities, administrators, and the list goes on. That is nonsense! Work hard in your own classroom, have a positive attitude, and be willing to change something if it isn’t working!

Look at what opportunities do exist in your school and community. Build on those things. You will be amazed at what doors open if you just look around. Is it hard work – yes! Is it worth it – yes! Will I become famous – maybe not, but that is not the point. If fame comes, kudos to you. However, you will find if you are doing what you love-teaching children, putting 100% into it, that will make it all worthwhile.

It warms my heart when I hear my students singing songs I composed with great gusto-even outside of my classroom. When former students tell me that they still sing my songs or teach their children my songs, that is a huge compliment!

Planting Seeds

Our high school has a local television station. Yesterday I interviewed my friend and composer Charles Moman from Seymour, IN. Some of my 2nd grade students had sung at the Lawrence County Bicentennial program and we were filming the children performing their program. My students were singing songs about Indiana, many of my songs and one of Charle’s songs – “Indiana, That’s Where I Belong”.

In the interview, Charles and I talked about being music teachers, composers in Indiana and Lilly Teacher Creativity Grant winners! The interview went well and the children sang beautifully! I was so proud of them. I mention this because these opportunities were available, but I had to find them. I had to ask to film the program at BNL. I had to invite Charles to come for the interview.

Charles and I both  had to pursue the grants at Lilly-more than once. It takes time to write grants, songs and programs, but all of these things are available. I have to pursue them and make them happen. Things will not come to you – look around and makes things happen!

B – Be thankful for what you have.

– Look for opportunities to grow and serve others. This will help both you and others.

O – Only you have the power to make changes in yourself and your surroundings. It will not happen overnight.

– Opportunities are right in front of you. Just look for them. They are truly there!

M – Make the most of each day!


Opportunity is knocking! Will you answer the door?

-Becky Muncy


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