Recharging Your Batteries Over the Summer!

Summer vacation is in full swing, and we’ve finally had a few weeks to catch our breath after a busy school year. Now that we’re enjoying the summer, what are some good ways to revitalize ourselves while vacation flies by? The following are some suggestions to recharge and renew yourself during a break; to be ready to get back into the school schedule in August.

R   Relax   I was feeling grumpy at the end of the school year. It made sense, as anyone would be uptight from all the end of year stress! It took my body a while to not frantically wake up at 6 a.m. or earlier every day at the beginning of break. I don’t want to sleep my summer away, but there’s nothing wrong with catching up on rest! I feel most refreshed after the occasional nap, porch sitting, reading books, getting a pedicure, manicure, or watching a movie. Unwind, breathe, and let the stress go! Spend some quiet time with no distractions. Your body will thank you for it!

E   Exercise   Exercise and movement energize you. I’ll be the first to admit exercise is not my favorite thing, but after a workout or walk I feel much perkier. Sitting around too much and turning into a slug isn’t healthy. Try a DVD workout or go to a local gym. Find a friend to go on walks. You’ll both feel better, plus, it’s more fun with a friend!

C   Chuckle  Take time to laugh. Watch a funny movie, tell silly jokes, or whatever tickles your funny bone. I recently got to spend a week with some dear childhood friends that I rarely see. We spent each evening together playing card and board games. It was so much fun to play, laugh, and tell silly stories about growing up together. Laughing is a good tonic, and helps lighten your mood.

H  Hugs  Children love to give hugs, but as we grow up, we seem to hug less often. I get a lot of hugs during the school year from my smaller elementary children. The hug really brightens my day and makes me feel good. I like to give hugs to my family and the residents at a local nursing home where my mother-in-law lives. If hugs don’t come naturally to you, hug a pet, and work your way up to a family member or dear friend. Hugs really do make you feel special and loved!

A  Adventure  Take time to plan some sort of adventure over the summer. Do something you’ve been meaning to do, or go somewhere you’ve wanted to go and haven’t taken the time to do it yet. Many times we ignore neat places in our own area that are fun and unique. In our county we have some wonderful state parks and caves. Going to places in our hometowns don’t require much money or a huge amount of time. My husband plans special trips for us when school is out, and I always look forward to our adventures!

Look around and find a new adventure for yourself. It doesn’t have to be far away. It needs to be fun and different!

R  Rejoice Look for the sunny side of every day life! There’s usually a joyful moment somewhere in your day if you look for it. A few weeks ago I was driving through Starbucks and ordered an ice tea. To my surprise and delight, the attendant at the window informed me that the person in front of me had paid for my tea. Wow – what a kind thing to do! I paid for the person’s order behind me. It was a pay-it-forward moment! I pulled out of Starbucks beaming while sipping on my tea.

Goals Make goals for yourself so you can accomplish a few things over the summer. It’s better to plan attainable goals and get something done! I enjoy taking classes to give me new ideas for my students and classroom. It’s fun to have new materials and skills to use for the upcoming school year. While that helps me professionally, I want to take care of something personal too. Life can’t be all work, all the time! Since most house and yard projects get put on hold during the school year, I try to plan one or two bigger home projects over the summer. These can be small or big projects like painting a room, reorganizing the kitchen or working on some landscaping.

E  Eat well  Summer is a great time to visit local farmer’s markets and get fresh produce. I love to eat fresh vegetables and fruits that are grown locally! Indiana is famous for wonderful corn, peaches, and tomatoes. The saying “you are what you eat” is true, which is why I like to cook with fresh produce. While I try to stay away from fast food, it’s always easier when great produce is readily available! Eating this way leaves me feeling better, and my weight goes down too.

If all of these ideas are new to you, don’t forget to take things in baby steps. Just try one thing at a time so you don’t feel overwhelmed. That way you can recharge yourself, and do some things you don’t have time to do during the school year. You’ll be glad you did!


“Relax, Recharge and Reflect. Sometimes it’s OK to do nothing.”
― Izey Victoria Odiase

“Make and take the time to relax, recharge, find your peace and look after yourself. Your life and everyone in it will be thankful you did.”
― Akiroq Brost

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