Self Control!




If you’re running down the hall, you need to Stop!

If you’re talking during class, you need to Stop!

Whoa -o- o, self control!

Whoa -o- o, self control!

-Becky Muncy

Self control is not easy. Every day we all struggle with making good choices that will have a positive or negative impact on how our day goes and how we interact with others. Should I eat one piece of candy or the whole bag? Should I do my homework before I go out to play? How should I treat a classmate that is mean to me? Should I listen in class even when I don’t like what the teacher is teaching?

At school, we work hard to create an environment where children feel safe. When I’m teaching, I need to model self control in how I interact with my students. Every day there is something that happens during class that will disrupt teaching; talking, student disagreements, and a multitude of other disruptions. It’s up to me to react with self control in such a way to make it a teaching moment.

Since I’m a music teacher, I have a song to address just about any situation that arises in class. When there is excessive talking, disagreements, or general chaos happening in class, instead of yelling, I start singing. My students know that when I sing “Whoa-o-o”,they answer “self control”. We echo that back and forth a few times until whatever is happening calms down. After singing, we discuss what was happening and how to resolve the lack of self control in that situation.

So what are some good ways to help children work on self control? Here is a short acrostic that can be used as a talking point to give students a guideline to work on self control.

S – Stop.  When you are doing something that you know is not the right choice, just stop.

T – Take a deep breath. Breathe deeply, count to 10. Continue to breath deeply and close your eyes if possible to get yourself calmed down.

O – Only you have the power to redirect what you’re doing. What I am doing is not working. I am the person making this choice, so I need to get myself under control.

P – Plan how you can make a better choice next time. What plan can I make to be sure this doesn’t happen again. 


Self control is knowing you can, but deciding you won’t!

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