What is Your Super Power?


This summer the movies “Wonder Woman” and “Spider Man, Homecoming” were some of the block buster hits. Cartoonist Stan Lee and  The Marvel Entertainment Company have created many super heroes that possess a variety of super strengths. Many of us are enamored with these super heroes who possess amazing powers! It’s fun to think of ourselves flying through the air or performing an amazing feat that no one else can. Who wouldn’t enjoy possessing special powers? Wouldn’t that be amazing?

I am an elementary music teacher and our school theme this year is “We Are Super Heroes”. As a music educator, my goal is to help my students unleash their musical super power. Everyone has a special talent or skill. Sometimes we need someone to assist us in trying something new or different, and then developing that skill! Some of my students don’t feel confident singing, playing instruments, dancing or participating in music in general. Hopefully as the year progresses, each child in my classes can unleash their music super power! My goal as a music teacher is to help each student find a point of success with music in some form in my classroom.

My mission statement is: Music is a Lifetime Super Power! Whether we are listeners or performers, we can enjoy music in some form throughout our lifetime!

I wrote a new song to fit our school theme “We Are Super Heroes”. The song reinforces that as heroes we need to Help each other, Encourage each other, Respect each other and Own our mistakes. I taught the song to all of my classes and the children enjoy the song. We will be using the song in our school assemblies and upcoming programs. Here is the chorus of the song.

We are super heroes,

We are super heroes,

Learning is our super power,

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, (repeat)


“I believe everyone has a Super Hero inside them waiting to be discovered!”

Erica Humphrey


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