
Nick Arrrojo
I was a HUGE fan of the show “What Not to Wear”. The premise of the show was to help someone who was “fashionably challenged” and help them find the full potential to look their best. Hosts Stacey London and Clinton Kelly were masters at helping the guest find clothing to complement their body type. Stylist Nick Arrojo cut and sometimes colored the guest’s hair in just the right style to frame the person’s face. Carmindy Bowyer added a bit of makeup to finish the transformation, and viola – there was a masterful metamorphosis which added a lot of confidence to that guest. Often there were tears, or just total amazement!

I loved that show and watched it faithfully for 10 years until they stopped filming it. It was fascinating, and I found myself applying some of what they taught to guests on the show to my own wardrobe. I keep the holiday sweaters to a minimum, but the jingle bell earrings around Christmas are here to stay. This past weekend, my daughter Caitlyn attended a hair convention in greater LA. To my great surprise, she saw stylist Nick Arrojo at the convention. Caitlyn took a picture of Nick cutting a model’s hair at the convention.

In my job as a music teacher, I teach most of my students for 5 years for grades 1-5. It is always fun and amazing to watch the transformation of the child over the years as they mature, and gain confidence in their music skills.
As they become more skillful in singing and playing instruments, I hope that I have been a part of the metamorphosis as musicians. It is my goal to instill a love of music throughout their lifetime whether they become professional musicians, play or sing for fun, or become a patron of the arts.  A musical metamorphosis!

Photo (top) by Caitlyn Muncy
Photo (bottom) by Pixaby