Tag Archives: elementary school

giphy virtual hug

Sending a Virtual Hug!

Things can certainly change quickly in life! This is one of those moments in history where the change affects our whole world! Who would have guessed that we all would be facing a pandemic just a few weeks ago? Did we even fathom what a pandemic really is? One of the hardest things about this […]

Becky 3 2020

Mrs. Muncy’s Musical Menagerie 2020

Wow – we have entered into a new year and a new decade – 2020!  A new year always brings a clean slate and a chance to try new things! This year I am launching a children’s television show on our local Bedford, IN cable station – The Star Station.  The show is called Mrs. […]

Valentine tea pot

Valentine’s Day Fun!

Valentines Day is such a fun holiday! I have fond memories of decorating a little brown paper bag with hearts and flowers to hold valentines that I would receive from my classmates. I also love the heart-shaped candy and Valentine party that I anticipated with great joy with my classmates! Valentine’s day is the best […]


Approaching the New Year in Baby Bites!

Another year is past and a new year is here! I always like the beginning of a new year – completely blank pages that we can fill with our hopes and dreams. So many of us make many resolutions and goals, only to keep them for a few weeks, then return to our old habits […]


Mrs. Muncy’s Musical Menagerie!

Music!  It’s always been a part of my life!  Both of my parents were musical. My father had a deep, bass voice.  Mom played both piano and organ.  She wrote many songs over the years and sang in several groups at church.   My mother started giving me piano lessons at age 4. I sang in […]

Let's Make a Circle!

Let’s Make a Circle!

One of the first group activities we learn as children is making a circle.  Many children’s games are based on making circles. Making a circle represents group cooperation and participation. One would think that making a circle would be one of the easiest things to get a group of children to do. WRONG!!!!  If you […]