Let’s Make a Circle!

One of the first group activities we learn as children is making a circle.  Many children’s games are based on making circles. Making a circle represents group cooperation and participation.

One would think that making a circle would be one of the easiest things to get a group of children to do. WRONG!!!!  If you have ever tried to accomplish this task, it turns out to be one of the hardest things to do.

Each day when my kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade students enter my music classroom, they enter in a straight line singing “Let’s Make a Circle”.

The next step is the children walk in and make a circle from that straight line.  They quickly join hands, take a tiny step back, survey if the circle is round, drop hands and sit down.

Let’s Make a Circle” is our daily routine and the children always know that they will be singing the song as they enter the music room.

A few weeks ago, I was absent from school due to an illness.  One of the second grade teachers said that she noticed that when the children entered the music room, they were singing “Let’s Make a Circle” in spite of my absence.  They made a circle and sat down for the sub.  I was impressed!

This song is a great teaching tool and I can tell you it works.

I hope you enjoy the song “Let’s Make a Circle” and that it helps with circle formation in your classroom.

“A circle is round and has not end. That’s how long I want to be your friend!”

Author unknown


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