Tag Archives: music

giphy virtual hug

Sending a Virtual Hug!

Things can certainly change quickly in life! This is one of those moments in history where the change affects our whole world! Who would have guessed that we all would be facing a pandemic just a few weeks ago? Did we even fathom what a pandemic really is? One of the hardest things about this […]

Dr. Seuss picture

Read Across America – The Dr. Seuss Legacy

Every March 1st, schools across country celebrate “Read Across America Day”! We are celebrating the creative writer of children’s books, Theodore Seuss Gisel, a.k.a Dr. Seuss. Theodore was born in 1904 and died in 1991 at the age of 87. Theodore, better know as “Ted” to his friends, was a magazine cartoonist who officially took […]

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Me and My Shadow

The dictionary defines a shadow as, “a dark figure or image cast on the ground or some surface by a body intercepting light.” Shadows are such an interesting phenomena!  What is it about seeing our shadow cast that makes us want to make hand puppets, dance or shiver in the night with fright? Shadows are the ideas for songs, movies, books, and even puppets! When our youngest daughter Caitlyn was one year […]


Mrs. Muncy’s Musical Menagerie!

Music!  It’s always been a part of my life!  Both of my parents were musical. My father had a deep, bass voice.  Mom played both piano and organ.  She wrote many songs over the years and sang in several groups at church.   My mother started giving me piano lessons at age 4. I sang in […]

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Hello Friends!

This website is the new and improved home of Mrs. Muncy’s Musical Menagerie. Who is Mrs. Muncy you might ask? She is Becky Muncy, an award-winning musician and an elementary school music teacher in Bedford, Indiana. In addition to teaching music at school, she teaches character education through music, and the use of puppets. Mrs. […]